Welcome to SEAN!
SEAN is the acronym for Shallow Enhanced ANalyser. Differently from IAN, it is fully automatic, and does not allow for any human intervention. The main differences to the other UNLization technologies are the following: 1) SEAN is a multi-document analyser: the input may be not only a single document (as in UNLeditor and IAN) but a whole collection of documents; 2) SEAN is a word-driven analyser: the unit of analysis is a word (and not a sentence as in UNLeditor and IAN), to be provided by the user; and 3) SEAN is a shallow analyzer: the analysis targets the surface structure of natural language sentences (and not the deep structure, as in UNLeditor and IAN). The main consequences of such choices are that the results of SEAN are not appropriate for translation, but for information retrieval and extraction only, because it provides a rather rough and partial analysis of the natural language input. SEAN has been developed by the Library of Alexandria.